— 1 min read

Coding Interview Questions

Please take a look at this coding snippet and fix any bugs / errors as well as making the code perform faster, more accurately, refactored to be as DRY and clean as possible.

function createBirthdayText(day, month, year) { 
  let myAge = new Date(month, day, YEAR);
  let date = new Date();
  let ageNumber = date.getFullYear() - myAge.getFullYear();
  return 'My birthday is on ' + month +' + day + ‘ of ’  + year ' I am ' +   ageNumber; 

I’m a client and I want to use https://www.sendowl.com/ to sell digital products. I have a list of products in a csv format. Can you let me know if there’s a way to transform my products without having to manually do it?

Can you create this layout using flexbox? | item one item two ← space between → item three |