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Full-stack web developer
Full-stack web dev

I'll build out your next idea from start to finish. Designs appreciated, let's talk through your requirements.

CTO as a service
CTO as a service

I'll help you make technical decisions and offer project advice/audits. Let me know what stage your project is in and where you want to go!

Tutoring and learning code
Tutoring / learning code

I'll teach you coding fundamentals as well as the soft skills required to be a freelancer and find clients.

Full-stack web dev

Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, Node.js, MongoDB, Postgresql, PHP, Wordpress, ability to learn.

Next.js, React, Vue, Svelte, Astro, TailwindCSS, MUI5, HTMX, SWR, Express.js, Mongoose, Sequelize, JWT, etc.

Nginx, Apache, AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean, Heroku, SSL/Lets Encrypt, Cloudflare, etc.

API/SDK Integrations:
Stripe, Sendgrid, Postmark, Mailchimp, Salesforce, Hubspot,, Sabre (hotel bookings), Smarty, many Wordpress plugins, GTM/GA4, Segment, Mixpanel, Hotjar, Crazyegg,, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.

Auditing Tools:
Google search console, Semrush (SEO),, gtmetrix (performance),, etc.

From start to finish, I have you covered.

CTO as a Service

What I offer:

  1. Preparing technical requirements to begin building your project
  2. Discussing budgeting / timeline for proposed features
  3. Selecting a tech-stack and deployment option
  4. Help vetting / hiring other developers
  5. Code, performance, and SEO audits
  6. General project management / planning
  7. 30-60 min consultations

I'll work with you to get your project moving in the right direction.

Tutoring / learning code

Free 🙂

Happy to help you, wherever you are on your coding journey.

Reach out to me and let me know where you're at, and what your goals are!

I'll get back to you usually within 48 hours!


How long have you been a developer for?
I took my first coding class in high school when I was 16! Since then, I've taken introduction CS classes at UCLA before dropping out to pursue a freelance career making iOS apps when I was 19. A few years later, I transitioned into web dev space —everything then has been self-taught.
How much do projects usually cost and how much time does usually take to complete?

A general ballpark is $6000-$12,000 for a project (ranges vary so much because of international competition, quality, scope, etc.). In general, these waterfall projects take 1-3 months of build time. I prefer taking an agile approach —meaning we'll work together to narrow on the key features, talk about the core business logic, and then develop weekly / bi-weekly milestones to work towards.

Taking this interative approach, we can potentially see real results / an early MVP in about 2-3 weeks and focus in on the details that will help us get to market faster.

What is CTO as a service?

If you're a non-technical founder, I can work with you on business objectives while I focus on the technical aspects of reaching those objectives. This could mean deciding on a tech stack, hiring developers, reviewing code, doing audits, or taking a fractional role and working on specific key features.

If you're technical, then I'll likely be more useful taking on one-off projects the internal tech team doesn't have bandwidth / expertise to take on.

How do I get in contact with you?
Look below!

Contact Gu

Let's get in touch, just let me know how I can help!

What to expect:

  • 9+ years expertise in startups / MVPs
  • Strong communicator and fast turnaround time
  • Detail-oriented without losing the big picture

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Check out my portfolio.

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